COVID-19 Policy

COVID-19 Policy

Antic London accepts that its responsibilities for premises & sites operating during the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic is to best protect their workforce whilst minimising the risk of infection.

This policy is intended to introduce consistent measures for all premises and sites across our estate and is in line with the current regulations

The Management have undertaken risk assessments to ensure that the working environment is as safe as is possible, and a copy of this is available at each site, has been shared with all staff, and is also available on our website. 

The health and safety requirements for any business activity must not be compromised by this policy and if an activity cannot be undertaken safely then it should not take place.

Managers should remind our teams and all staff of our Operating Procedures at every opportunity as these are aimed at protecting them, their colleagues, our patrons, and the general population.

If a premises is not consistently implementing the measures that are set out below, then it may be necessary to close it until such time as it does.

This policy will be reviewed periodically and revised as necessary in response to changes in legislation or the prevailing guidance on methods of working. Employee’s, contractors, suppliers, and consultants will all be required to cooperate with us in making this policy workable and effective.

Signature                   Max Alderman Managing Director  



Anyone who meets one of the following criteria should not come their workplace or premises:

  • Has a high temperature or a new persistent cough – follow the guidance on self-isolation
  • Is a clinically extremely vulnerable person
  • Is living with someone in self-isolation or a clinically extremely vulnerable person.

Procedure if Someone Falls Ill

If a staff member develops a high temperature or a persistent cough while at work, they should immediately:

  • Return home.
  • Avoid touching anything and remain fully masked.
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue and put it in a bin, or if they do not have tissues, cough and sneeze into the crook of their elbow.

They must then follow the guidance on self-isolation and should not return to work until their period of self-isolation has been completed.

Building Access Points

  • Limit all non-essential visitors to site.
  • Monitor access points to enable social distancing – We may need to change the number of access points, either increase to reduce congestion or decrease to enable monitoring
  • Require all staff to wash or clean their hands on entering or leaving the site.
  • Allow sufficient space between people waiting to enter site.
  • Regularly clean common contact surfaces particularly during peak flow times.

Hand Washing

  • Ensure sufficient soap, fresh water and sanitiser is always readily available.
  • Provide hand sanitiser where hand washing facilities are unavailable
  • Regularly clean the hand washing facilities and sanitiser points.

Toilet Facilities

  • Wash hands before and after using the facilities
  • Enhance the cleaning regimes for toilet facilities particularly door handles, locks and the toilet flush
  • Provide suitable and sufficient rubbish bins for hand towels, with regular removal and disposal.

General Principles

  • Work requiring skin to skin contact should be avoided.
  • Minimise close contact between staff.
  • Regular cleaning and sanitising should take place.
  • Staff should generally use their own PPE and single use PPE should be disposed of properly and not reused.
  • Increase ventilation in enclosed spaces by opening doors and windows.


  • Limit meetings and gatherings and hold virtual meetings where possible.
  • Adhere to social distancing rules or hold meetings in open external areas.
  • Rooms should be well ventilated / windows opened to allow fresh air circulation.


  • Enhanced cleaning procedures should be in place across the site, particularly at any touch points including but not limited to:
    • Door handles, push plates and handrails on steps.
    • Equipment buttons such as tills and PDQ machines.
    • Taps, washing facilities, toilet flushes and seats.
    • Tables, bar tops, and serving and preparation surfaces.
    • Glassware, cutlery and plates.
    • Office equipment and telephones.
    • The collection and storage points for rubbish should be emptied regularly.

General Risk Assessment

Title : Antic Coronavirus Risk Assessment Example Date of Assessment : 03/07/2020

Risk Assessor : Peninsula Consultant
Risk Assessment Reference : COVID19 People involved in making this assessment : Oliver Pleasance, Clare Wiffen
Task/ Process : Risk of infection from COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) People at Risk : Employees, Contractors, Members of the Public

Hazard : Employed staff Staff who are not fully aware and understanding of the procedures and arrangements we have put in place to work within government guidelines on essential working could compromise our arrangements and jeopardise the health of others.
Control Measures:
1. Employees can raise any concerns with their line manager.
2. Health & Safety communications available to all employees.
3. Employees have support of management teams on site or at ANTIC HQ if needed.
4. Communication warning posters displayed throughout all premises to warn of threat of Coronavirus. Posters on display outside instructing persons with Symptons of Coronavirus not to enter.
5. Every member of staff has been fully briefed to ensure that that they are aware of the hazards and risks and understand the rules and procedures we have put in place.
6. Specific procedures and measures to reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus have been prepared. These are based on NHS, Public Health and Government guidance and instruction. They are updated to reflect any changes in the official advice and guidance.
7. e-learning courses, toolbox talks on COVID-19 and Personal Hygiene have been delivered to staff. FLOW Online training to be used to provide this remotely to staff.
8. All staff have access to this risk assessment and any other company procedures relating to COVID-19.
9. Staff are instructed not to handle any items not authorised to do so.
10. Antic London Ltd are to closely monitor all updates on Government guidance regarding Covid-19 regarding testing, tracking and tracing and to action accordingly at each
11. Staff are to have temperature taken before each shift starts, if over 37.8C that individual must immediately return home & follow UKGOV guidance and report to NHS 111 service.

Hazard : Food & Drink Preparation Areas Potential risk or transfer of virus through cross contamination.
Control Measures:
1. Employees instructed to ensure that good hygiene standards must be maintained when food or drinks are being prepared.
2. Ensure that when spills of food or liquids occur, they must ensure that the work surfaces are left in a clean and sanitised condition.
3. Employees reminded to keep your hands out of food and waste bins or receptacles as they may contain contaminated products, food or tissues.
4. Thoroughly wash crockery and cutlery after each use before putting them away.
5. Single use paper tissues rolls are provided within kitchen areas and to be disposed of correctly in waste bins provided.
6. Dishwashers are available and must be used to thoroughly clean crockery and cutlery.
7. Kitchen areas will be marked with signage or tape to allow for social distancing. Only Minimum No. of staff authorised to enter kitchen areas and to follow food safety hygiene procedures already in place.
8. Departments and teams are to implement staggered breaks to reduce staff numbers in kitchen and serving areas.
9. Employees to make their own hot or cold drinks during the working day.
10. All chefs overalls and any other textiles used in food preparation are to be washed daily at 60 degrees Celsius to kill viruses left on the material.
11. Kitchen staff to not travel to work in their overals and leave on site to be washed after each shift at 60C to kill virus.
12. Food menu to be reduced from normal operations so staff numbers required can be limited so far as is practicable.

Hazard : Communal facilities, entrance, toilets, stairs. etc. Risk of cross contamination from equipment, surfaces etc. that may have been touched or otherwise
contaminated by coronavirus and create a risk to health.
Control Measures:
1. Employees are required to ensure that coats, scarfs and other outdoor items are stored separately (where possible) within coat cupboards avoiding contact with other
people’s personal items.
2. Certain toilet cubicles, urinals and wash sinks may be out of use to allow for social distancing under current guidance. Customers may need to be restricted entry to toilets to
reduce numbers gathering.
3. Employees made aware that where welfare facilities are used during the working day, they must have an awareness of surfaces (toilets, sinks, door handles, soap, and soap dispensers, etc.) and objects which are visibly contaminated with body fluids must not be touched, but reported to a manager.
4. Employees instructed to clean their hands after using the toilet, by washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
5. Supplies of soap and sanitising agents are provided and regularly topped-up at all hand washing stations. NHS, Public Health and hand washing advice posters displayed.
6. Cleaning services have been increased. Toilets and communal areas, along with workspaces, are cleaned more frequently than before and the cleaning routine is to a higher specification. Cleaners to identify all ‘Touchpoints’ in the premises and clean these regularly, such as door handles.
7. Breaks and arrival times have been staggered to allow for social distancing.
8. All equipment used by customers in the bar area should be subject to increased cleaning regimes and taken out of use if possible. IE: dart boards, slot machines, etc. Pool table use should be stopped to avoid spread of infection at contact points such as the cushions and cues.

Hazard : Waste Ill-health as a result of the transfer of coronavirus and other pathogens through cross contamination after contact with waste (accidental or otherwise).
Control Measures:
1. Waste bins are provided at serving areas, workstations, at cleaning stations throughout the public house and within staff kitchen areas.
2. Employees instructed to not put their hands directly into food waste or general waste bins or receptacles as they may contain contaminated products, food or tissues.
3. Employees instructed that disposable tissues should be used when coughing and or sneezing and put directly into a waste bin, preferably bagged, or pocketed and taken home.
4. All waste bins and receptacles are carefully and safely emptied daily by the cleaning staff.
5. Employees are required to have consideration for cleaning staff with regards to discarded tissues, food, tins etc. to prevent cleaning staff being accidentally contaminated or injured.

Hazard : Tills & Bars Employees working on the premises may be at risk of exposure to other employees or visitors who are carrying coronavirus, knowingly or unknowingly
during customers paying for items as this usually takes place in a close proximity.
Control Measures:
1. The site is accepting contactless forms of payment where possible, such as card transactions (contactless or card terminals).
2. Measures put in place between customers and staff to prevent cross contamination at payment stations where 2m distance cannot be maintained.
3. Frequent Cleaning of serving bars, tables, door handles, bar pumps, fridge doors, card terminals and other high contact items whilst maintaining 2m distance from other staff.
4. Staff shall keep 2m apart on the serving bar and till, where possible, or at least 1m and work side by side. Floor to be marked to allow easy recognition of 2m social distance on each side of the bar (including the servery or bar).
5. Systems have been put in place to protect staff who cannot keep 2m apart, staff do not work facing towards each other and staff who have to work next to each other are on the same shift/team, where possible.
6. Markings placed on floor to highlight safe distances and standing positions. One way systems for moving around the bar areas in place with directional markings on the floor.
7. Separate sections of the serving bar identified for taking orders and for delivering drinks orders. Customers required to queue whilst social distancing whilst waiting for their order to be made ready and served onto the bar.
8. When serving customers at the bar the employee is to place their drinks order on the customer side of the bar whilst the customer waits in the waiting zone then they step back to allow the customer to take their order to their table.

Hazard : Workstations, IT and telephone equipment Direct contact with potentially cross contaminated workstations, IT or telephony equipment may cause adverse
coronavirus health effects.
Control Measures:
1. Employees are advised to ensure that their workstations, IT and telephony equipment, such as Tills, keyboards, screens, phones and headsets are cleaned and sanitised on a regular basis throughout the working day. Suitable wipes and cleaners that do not damage equipment.
2. Employees instructed that they should not use each other’s IT equipment, to prevent accidental cross-contamination.
3. Bar Tills, bar phones and any other IT equipment is cleaned at the end of each working day by the cleaning staff.
4. Employees advised not to share phones handsets and personal mobile phones with others to prevent accidental cross contamination.
5. Employees not in front of house roles are not to share their workstations, where possible.
6. Any ICT equipment that is unserviceable to be reported to your line manager or reported via the service desk. No other equipment is to be used from other locations to reduce risk of cross contamination.

Hazard : Close contact Employees working on the premises may be at risk of exposure to other employees or visitors who are carrying coronavirus, knowingly or unknowingly.
Control Measures:
1. Employees instructed to avoid close face-to-face contact or touching other employees, visitors, etc. and follow the government guidance on social distancing.
2. Physical contact, such as handshakes, hugs, pat on the back, etc. is to be avoided.
3. Employees are required to be environmentally aware and sit out of the immediate air flow from fan heaters, cooling fans and or ventilation systems that could spread the virus. Where possible the use of such systems will be avoided and windows and doors kept open.
4. Where necessary, directional signage will be in place on common and floor areas to allow for social distancing.
5. One way systems are implemented (where applicable) to allow for free movement allowing social distancing. This will be denoted by signage, posters or hazard tape.
6. Staff members may need to manage access from one door only if there are more than one route of entry.
7. Where possible, kitchen areas with only one person at a time using to allow for social distancing. Signage or tape markings will highlight this control.
8. Contractors to sites will be managed and controlled by ANTIC HQ or the General Manager Only. Contractors only allowed on site for essential maintenance.
9. Staff have been split into fixed teams/shifts so in areas in which contact is unavoidable then this contact happens between the same people and tracing is easier to manage and reduces cross contamination of staff.
10. Security staff are subject to health and safety monitoring and required to provide policies on managing the risk of Coronavirus whilst at work along with a suitable risk assessment before commencing work.

Hazard : Vulnerable employees Vulnerable employees with existing health conditions are at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19, which may have a significant increased
adverse affect on their health and wellbeing.
Control Measures:
1. In accordance with Govt guidelines employees who are in the vulnerable and high risk categories are where possible to continue to work from home or continue to be kept on Furlough leave.
2. Employees with family members in high risk categories have been instructed to inform their management team. Decisions on home working in accordance with Govt.guidelines are taken on a case by case basis.
3. Those employees who fall within the extremely vulnerable category (Shielded) in accordance with Govt are to continue to work from home or continue to be kept on furlough
4. Employees who are high risk vulnerable (but not extremely clinically vulnerable) that cannot work from home, then management should offer the option of the safest available on-site role, enabling them to stay 2 meters away from others at all times.

Hazard : Cleaning and hygiene Inadequate cleaning & hygiene standards pose a risk of spreading infection by way of cross-contamination from surfaces contaminated with
the coronavirus.
Control Measures:
1. Cleaning regimes have significantly increased and the frequency of cleaning of hard surfaces (floors, handrails, door handles, passenger lifts, building equipment buttons, switches, etc). Cleaning staff resource has been increased in line with the increased cleaning regimes.
2. Suitable disinfectant cleaning products are used by the cleaning staff.
3. Sufficient hot water, liquid soap, disposable towels and hand sanitiser dispensers are provided throughout the buildings.
4. Line management and employees are required to report anything contaminated or spilt that requires cleaning.
5. Increased cleaning measures for the following: Card only payment, restriction on seating areas, cleaning materials in key points in the bar, encourage seating outside where possible.
6. All dishwashing equipment and glass washing equipment set to wash at 60 degrees celsius to kill virus.

Hazard : Personal hygiene Poor personal hygiene standards pose a risk of passing or contracting the infection.
Control Measures:
1. A ‘Hygiene Champion’ allocated at the premises to take ownership of the cleanliness and sanitation regimes put in place to control the risk of transmission of the Coronavirus.
2. Employees instructed to clean their hands frequently, using alcohol-based hand sanitisers or to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Soap and hand gels are provided.
3. Employees instructed that any potentially contaminated clothing should be removed and placed in a suitable plastic bag or container.
4. Employee instructed that disposable tissues, should be used when coughing and or sneezing. Used tissues to be bagged and put into a bin or pocketed and taken home for safe disposal.
5. Free standing hand sanitizers will be in place at access points.
6. Alcohol gel hand sanitizer spillages are to be cleaned up immediately with water and area dried off.
7. Employees to avoid inhaling the vapours from the alcohol hand sanitizer as this may cause dizziness or drowsiness.
8. Employees with a diagnosed skin condition are advise not to use the alcohol hand sanitizer as this may exacerbate their condition, but to use soap and water for 20 seconds.
9. If eye irritation persists then employees to seek medical advice or assistance.
10. If alcohol gel comes into contact with eyes then employees are to (remove glasses or contact lenses if worn) and rinse eyes with water for several minutes, then seek first aid assistance.
11. As the alcohol based hand sanitizer falls under a COSHH item. Employees who use this to disinfect their hands are not to touch their face until the sanitizer dries out due to irritation risk if the goes into eyes.
12. The importance of good personal hygiene has been explained to all employees. Particularly the need for regular thorough hand washing and the avoidance of touching eyes, nose or mouth, if their hands are not clean.

Hazard : Cold / Infections There is a risk that any cold and or infection could be consistent with COVID-19 symptoms and there is a risk that accidental cross infection could be
transmitted to other persons.
Control Measures:
1. Where symptoms of a cold/infection starts at work employees are required to notify their management team immediately. Decisions to refrain from working will be made accordingly where the is a potential risk.
2. Employees who are currently self isolating due to having tested positive for COVID-19, experiencing symptoms or have a family member who have tested positive or have symptoms are not to return to work and inform their line manager.
3. Employees are advised to isolate in accordance with Government guidelines.

Hazard : Emergency Evacuations Inhalation of smoke or exposure to fire leading to injury or fatality.
Control Measures:
1. All employees are to wash or sanitise their hands at the earliest opportunity.
2. PEEP’s (personal emergency evacuation plans) are in place for those employees & visitors who require assistance during an emergency evacuation from the premises.
3. In an emergency, for example, an accident or fire, employees DO NOT have to stay 2m apart as it would be unsafe to do so.
4. Employees are to follow the emergency evacuation procedures for their relevant location.
5. Trained fire wardens are in place.

Hazard : First Aid Provision Lack of first aid provision leading to injury, further injury or prolonged pain.
Control Measures:
1. Trained emergency first aid at work employees on site during all hours of operation, where possible.
2. Additional first aid equipment provided in first aid boxes to reduce risk to first aiders. CPR shields and disposable masks and gloves are now provided.

Hazard : Managing Customers Increased risk of transmission of COVID-19 by a high volume of customers, unable to carry out social distancing measures safely.
Control Measures:
1. The total number of customers who can be inside the site safely at any time are decided on a site by site basis.
2. Up to 2 households can meet together inside and outside and could be seated together.
3. In gardens or any outdoors setting, up to 6 different people from any number of households are permitted to meet, subject to social distancing guidelines.
4. Entrances to the bar are clearly sign posted with the bars social distancing measures in place and this must be monitored by staff.
5. A one way traffic system has been implemented in order to reduce congestion inside the bar which will include any queueing needed at the serving bar area or welfare
facilities to keep a 2m social distance at all times.
6. Where children are allowed in the bar, Customers who have children with are reminded that they are responsible for supervising them and ensuring they follow social distancing guidelines.
7. External areas are used for safely queueing to get inside bar. This must be managed by staff to ensure social distancing of 2m is maintained where possible.
8. Hygiene stations installed at the entrance, exit and throughout the bar for customers to use.
9. A number of social distancing champions have been created, these are staff members who will demonstrate social distancing guidelines. (If this is helpful)
10. Table service to be in place for food orders, staff provided with Face coverings and gloves which may be worn when serving customers when 2m social distance cannot be continuously maintained.
11. Childrens play equipment is not in use until authorisation from UKGovernment guidance and Insurers of Antic London Ltd confirm it is acceptable to use. It will then be subject to social distancing and good hygiene regimes.
12. Smoking areas within beer garden must be subject to social distancing limitations.
13. Stools and chairs to be removed from the serving bar area. A table service system implemented in the bar. A 2m floor marking to be placed infront of the serving bar to
protect staff.
14. Staff to not leave clean cutlery on tables and only to issue it with any food served.
15. Customers standing in indoor areas is not allowed, some standing can be allowed in outside areas but this must be in accordance with current social distancing guidance.
16. Beer gardens and any outside areas must be regularly patrolled by staff to ensure large groups do not gather, groups must be ask to break up or leave.
17. Only designated serving areas at the bar demarked on the floor where 1 person can stand and take their drinks order. Drinks to be placed on bar then staff to stand back to allow customer to take drinks whilst maintained social distance. Table Service to be made preferable option.
18. Staff to remove all beer mats and food condiments from table and only issue wrapped sauces and seasoning sachets upon request from behind the bar. Beer mats issued
upon request and for single use only and disposed of after use as highly porous surface.
19. Events & Music are not yet permitted, this includes live performances including things such as music, comedy, drama etc.

Hazard : Handling goods, merchandise and other materials Transmission of COVID-19 via contact with objects and items sold and handled by staff and customers
Control Measures:
1. Gloves may be worn, although the same handwashing and face touching procedure must be followed.
2. Staff collecting empty glasses from tables will follow hygiene routines by washing hands thoroughly for 20 seconds before carrying out the task, taking care not to touch
hands or face during the task and washing hands throughouly for 20 seconds after completing the task.

Hazard : Inbound & Outbound Deliveries Spreading of pathogens either by person to person contact (Staff and delivery drivers) or by touching contaminated objects/stock.
Control Measures:
1. The bar has revised its pick up and collection points so the minimal amount of person(s) come into contact during stock transfers.
2. The company is ordering larger quantities of stock, where possible, less frequently in order to minimise contact.
3. Cleaning procedure for goods entering and exiting the premises are in place [Specify process].
4. Stock arriving on-site is to be throughoughly cleaned and sanitised before being put on display in the bar
5. Dedicated staff members for unloading and loading vehicles.
6. Paperwork to be minimised, electronic documents used where possible
7. All suppliers and contractors used by the business are subject to health and safety monitoring where policies and safe systems of work and risk assessments will be requested before they can commence any work on our sites.